Forest Gnomeschool
A nature immersion kindergarten
enrichment group
Forest Gnomeschool is a nature immersion supplementary kindergarten enrichment resource where a child has the opportunity to delve into the true work of childhood: PLAY!
All while allowing nature to do its work of nurturing the growing child; physically, emotionally and intellectually.
Forest Gnomeschool welcomes
kindergarten age 5-6 year olds,
meeting 9-1 pm, Monday-Thursday
under the guidance and care of a
LifeWays Certified Teacher and Assistant.
Forest Gnomeschool Kindergarten is sponsored by The Playgarden, Inc. Nonprofit Organization Registration #CH42628

what parents are saying
"We absolutely love the magical natural setting, the loving and stimulating atmosphere. We completely identify with your philosophy. Providing a warm, loving environment where kids can develop in a natural setting that is free and stimulating is paramount."
-forest parent

support for Nature immersion
Improves self-discipline, reduces stress, builds confidence, creates life long stewards of nature